Yogurt Sourdough Protein Pancakes

Makes 5 small pancakes
What you will need:
1/4 cup sweet natured protein pancake mix
1/4 cup plain unsweetened yogurt
1 tsp - Tbsp water or milk or milk alternative (depending on how watery the brand of yogurt that you use is)
How to do it:
Step 1: Put a generous amount of oil in pan and bring to medium heat.
Step 2: Using a fork, whisk 1/4 cup of the mix, with 1/4 cup yogurt (optional: let sit on the counter overnight to sour more)
Step 3: Whisk in 1 tsp - Tbsp water or milk or milk alternative (depending on how watery the brand of yogurt that you use is)
Step 4: Pour batter into well greased pan making 5 small sized pancakes.
Step 4: Once the surface of the pancakes are bubbly, turn over and cook the other side.
Click here for hints and tips on making the perfect protein pancake.
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