Ciabatta Cheese "Toast"

chiabatta cheese toast

This recipe adds a 3/4 cup shredded parmesan, which is 27 grams of protein on it's own - our mix is 16 grams of protein per serving sooooooo this is a super sonic high protein meal for a total of 43 grams of satiating!

Yes, vegan cheese will work, but you'll be adding a lot of carbs and bringing down the protein count, it will still taste good though!

Makes 3 small pancakes

What you will need:

1/4 cup protein powered pancake mix
3 Tbsp water (or 1/4 cup milk or milk alternative)
3/4 cup shredded parmesan 
fresh or dried spices of your choice
optional: garlic salt & onion powder

How to do it:

Step 1: Put a generous amount of oil in pan and bring to medium heat.

Step 2: Using a fork, whisk 1/4 cup of the mix, with 3 TBSP water (or 1/4 cup milk or milk alternative).

Step 3: Stir in 1/2 cup shredded parmesan cheese

Step 4: Pour by the Tbsp into 4 medium - small sized pancakes 

Step 5: Once the surface of the pancakes are bubbly, turn over and cook the other side.

Step 6. While that side is cooking, top with remaining shredded parmesan and sprinkle herbs and garlic salt on top.

Step 7: Cover with a lid while cooking to more quickly melt the parmesan.

So delicious!

Click here for hints and tips on making the perfect protein pancake.

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